Ethnic Albanians urged to resume discussions

BELGRADE - The recent interruption of discussions with political and institutional representatives of ethnic Albanians in Presevo and Bujanovac has brought "no good to anyone," the head of the Serbian government's coordination body for southern Serbia said on Tuesday, urging a resumption of the discussions.

Proposals of acceptable solutions to many issues would have been worked out had ethnic Albanian political leaders not interrupted the discussions in late November, said a statement sent to Tanjug.

"The interruption of the discussions has brought no good to anyone, particularly not to the citizens of Presevo and Bujanovac. For that reason, I once again express my belief that solutions can be found only through discussions involving all interested parties, and I call on you on behalf of the Serbian government to resume the discussions as I am confident that that is in the interest of all people living in that area of our country," Stankovic said in the statement.

At the beginning of the discussions, the principles of joint work and behaviour were set, as well as short, medium and long-term goals - for periods up to six months, up to a year and over a year respectively - with implementation defined by specific issues, Stankovic recalled.

"At a meeting we had in his office in October 2013, the Serbian prime minister requested that the results and implementation of agreed solutions be analysed every three months in his presence and the presence of all participants of the discussions, and that the accountability of all participants who are disregarding or failing to implement the agreed solutions be determined," Stankovic said.

Stankovic recalled that a series of meetings were scheduled to be held from November to...

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