Interim Government Expected In Ukraine Tuesday

Photo by EPA/BGNES

The formation of an interim government is expected on Tuesday in Ukraine, as Parliament Speaker and Interim President Olexandr Turchynov revealed.

In Kiev, the Parliament has been dismounting the political system, dismissing ministers from cabinet, constitutional judges and Ukraine's General Prosecutor, Russian Information Agency Novosti reports.

The interim leadership has also appointed a new Director of the Central Bank of Ukraine, Stepan Kubyv, who had been in charge of the Maidan protest camp's financial management for the last three months.

A criminal case has meanwhile been opened against Viktor Yanukovych and other officials over "mass murder of peaceful citizens", acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov was earlier quoted as saying by the BBC.

Viktor Yanukovych, however, disappeared short after the Parliament voted his standing down on Friday. According to different reports he first fled to Kharkiv, then travelled east to Donetsk and then south, with some claiming that he is presently in Crimea, an autonomous peninsular region where the former head of state has the staunchest supporters among the mainly Russian-speaking population.

On Tuesday, senior European and US diplomats are continuing talks with Kiev's acting political representatives.

Even after the ousting of Yanukovych, thousands of people remain on Kiev's Independence Square, also known as the Maidan.

Some of them are at the camp since mid-November, when the first acts of violence spread out in Kiev after Yanukovych refused to sign an Association Agreement with the EU.

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