Exhibition 'De Jongh Brothers in Belgrade in 1888'

Exhibition 'De Jongh Brothers in Belgrade in 1888'

Photographs of the famous Swiss brothers show the Serbian capital at the end of the 19th century, but also how pupils, students, police officers, soldiers, the court, the diplomats, etc., looked like.

The exhibition "De Jongh Brothers in Belgrade in 1888" at the Artget Gallery of the KCB is a result of a sveral-year work of Professor Cedomir Vasic on indentification and interpretation of photographs that one from the family of the Swiss photographs of the 'De Jongh' atelier from Paris made during staying in Belgrade in April and May of 1888.


Majority of the photographs are in Belgrade public and private collections. Also majority of them have been developed and framed when shot.

These several data only say a lot about the Serbian capital at the end of the 19th century but they also set questions that researchers are yet to give answers to.

It is known that at the end of the 19th century Belgrade had several photo ateliers including a court one. However, it is not known that one De Jongh was in the Serbian capital.

(The peak of their career was later album of Russian imperious army). It is not known if he came to Belgrade at an invitation from here, or was sent from Paris to make in and bring from Serbia relevant photographs for the World Exhibition in the French capital in 1889.

The photographs show the railway (after the exhibition gifted to the Museum of Skills and Crafts in Paris), and military factory in Kragujevac.


De Jongh also made photographs of teachers, professors and students of our reputable schools – Military Academy, School...

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