21 companies promise jobs for young people

DUBROVNIK - A total of 21 companies operating in the region, including Naftna industrija Srbije (NIS), MK Group, Nestle, NLB Bank and Agrokor, have signed a cooperation charter in Dubrovnik saying they will employ young people in the next three years.

The document was signed at the 12th international conference HR Business Arena 2014 organized by Inforarena, which opened on Wednesday and will last until April 25.

"The largest companies have joined this initiative and promised that they would work together over the next three years through joint employment programmes and education," programme director of the conference and owner of the company Tagoras Karmen Majetic Pavic told Tanjug after the signing.

This document came about because of the great problem with the rate of employment among young people in the world and particularly the loal region, she ntoed.

"We will form a society to exchange information on modalities of meployment and inclusion of young people in training programmes," she stated.

According to Majetic Pavic, the goal is to inform young people about affairs in the region.

"Our responsibility will be to point out to them which companies stimulate employment programmes. We plan to include government companies, institutions and the education system as well," she remarked.

She announced that another HR Arena will be held in Croatia in late September.

The charter was signed by MK Group, NIS Gazprom Neft, Nelt Group, Agrokor, AT Kearney, Atlantic Group, Delta Holding, Gorenje, Holding Slovenske elektrane, IBM Croatia, IEDC Bled School of Management, Nestle Adriatic, NLB Bank, Podravka, Privredna banka Zagreb, S&T, Telenor Serbia, Telenor Montenegro, Vip Net, Stiria...

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