European Parliament Mulls Putting Right Sector on Terrorism List

Latvian MEP Tatjana Zdanoka urged her colleagues to support her motion to put the Ukrainian radical group Right Sector on the terrorist organizations list, reports ITAR-TASS. 

If the proposal is approved, the assets of Right Sector and its leaders will be frozen and its members will not be let into EU countries. 

“The responsibility for dealing with the Right Sector will be of the Ukrainian authorities,” said Zdanoka, who is from the Latvian Russian Alliance. “They must draw a clear line between the political parties and the radical organizations.”

Meanwhile, Russia’s Investigative Committee has prolonged a criminal probe against Dmitro Yarosh, the leader of Right Sector, the committee said Wednesday, quoted by RIA-Novosti.

Moscow has charged Yarosh, a presidential candidate in Ukraine’s upcoming elections, with inciting terrorism after he urged Chechen extremist commander Doku Umarov to organize terrorist attacks on Russian soil.

Russia has also requested Interpol add the Ukrainian far-right leader to its list of wanted criminals.

Spokesman Vladimir Markin said the Russian Investigative Committee had opened criminal cases against Ukraine’s most outspoken nationalist leaders, including Svoboda Party’s chief Oleh Tyahnybok, who it accused of fighting alongside Chechen militants in Russia.

“A decision has been taken to merge these criminal cases into one investigation,” Markin said.

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