Six great people sharing one grave

Six great people sharing one grave

This has been revealed by Olga Jevric’ family since this famous sculptor has been buried in the Alley of the Great in the grave where actress Ruzica Sokic is buried, too.

Mirjana Jevric Lazarevic, sister of the famous sculptor thought that the funeral that took place last February would be expression of honor to Olga. She was shocked when she realized that there was another individual buried in the same grave and that further dead people were going to be buried there!


‘This is total nonsense and degradation of the notion of ‘the great’. Had we only known that this was the case, we would have buried our Olga in a family grave – Mirjana said. Olga died on February 10, 2014 and was buried five days later in the Alley of the Great at the New Cemetery.


-When Olga died I was contacted by the SANU and asked if I wanted my sister be buried in the Alley of the Great. Of course I agreed since my sister deserves it, but I did not know that there were collective burials taking place there – she says.


When they came to Olga’s grave to lay flowers the first time after the burial they realized that she was not alone in the grave. That disturbed Mirjana very much. She wrote to the SANU requesting an explanation. She was replied that the SANU only ‘give consent’ about burial in the Alley of the Great and that everything else was ‘the matter of the family’.


- Nobody warned us that Olga would not be alone in the grave. I also wrote to Ivan Tasovac, the Minister of Culture, but got no reply’, Mirjana says.


At the Ministry of Culture the Blic was told...

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