They shall make Dzajic leave in order to sell Red Star FC

They shall make Dzajic leave in order to sell Red Star FC

The uncertainty over getting of the European license announces leaving by some of the Red Star FC top officials and further problems for the club.

Counting of merits and opening of the front by footballers towards the management, indicate that there is a war to break out within the club. The Championship title won after seven years united the club for a short time only.

Zoran Filipovic says that the conflict has broken out at the worst possible time.

- Privatization is to be carried out in our football. That shall have crucial influence on the Red Star FC future. Very important days are ahead of us and various interests of people in the club and around it shall only affect the club. Perhaps somebody is in hurry and thinks that the Red Star shall be more easily sold if Dragan Dzajic leaves it. I am, however, convinced that the club with him and without him is not the same – Filipovic, the former footballer said.

Another famous footballer of the Red Star, Dusan Savic is of the opinion that the conflict within the club has been inflicted from the outside.

- The Red Star was united and that is why it won the championship even without money and basic conditions. That is a huge achievement by all. We, who feel as a part of the Red Star know how great Dzajic’s contribution in that unity is – Savic said.

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