Lukashenko lays wreath at Monument to Unknown Hero

BELGRADE - Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko laid a wreath at the Monument to the Unknown Hero in Avala near Belgrade late on Wednesday.

Accompanied by the intonation of the national anthems of Belarus and Serbia, Lukashenko honoured the Serb soldiers who did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for freedom and a peaceful and dignified future for the coming generations.

The Belarus president laid the wreath with high military and state honours of the Guard of the Serbian Army, wherein he officially began his visit to Serbia.

Lukashenko laid the wreath together with his son Nikolay. The escort accompanying the Belarus delegation and high officials of the Serbian Defence Ministry and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Serbia included Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubisa Dikovic.

Photo Tanjug, R. Prelic

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