People with master degree work in cafes

People with master degree work in cafes

Majority of young people of the Branicevo District is working in cafes, boutiques and kiosks although they have university diplomas and some even master degrees. Some of them are trying to start their own business.

Those not lucky to get any job mainly live on pension of some family members since parents’ salaries are spent on monthly communal services and food.

Bojana Milosevic (24) graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy last year. Since then she has been working at a swimming pool, in a restaurant and some other places, but never a job that she has a university diploma for. She applied for a job at many schools in Branicevo and the surrounding villages, but without success.

- I shall stay here since, frankly, I do not have where to go – Bojana says.

According to the official data 11,560 people are jobless in the Branicevo District.
Sonja Miric, the NSZ Branch Director says that the jobless people are mainly 25 to 29 years of age (1,697 people) and then those from 20 to 24 years of age.


They together make one third of the people looking for a job. Then there follows a group of people from 35 to 39 years of age (1,388).


- It is important to mention that the unemployment rate in the Branicevo District is considerably lower than in other regions, one of the reasons being large number of people with agricultural insurance – Miric said.

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