Attack against professor carried out in the presence of PM advisor

An attack against University of Macedonia professor Nikos Marantzidis in a Thessaloniki café late on Tuesday was carried out in the presence of Michalis Peglis, an advisor to Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

A group of three young men approached Marantzidis and Peglis and initially inquired whether the latter was the one writing articles criticizing the left. Marantzidis then presented himself to the young men and said he was willing to discuss with them when one of them punched him in the head and the other two kicked him when he fell to the ground. He was subsequently taken to a local hospital for treatment while the three suspects remained at large.

On Wednesday political parties condemned the attack with conservative New Democracy noting that “violent practices stem from extremes" and were not allowed in democracies. Opposition SYRIZA also condemned the attack in a statement, while junior coalition partner PASOK said that any form of violence, irrespective of ideology, contributed to the “fascistization” of Greek society.

“Violence is completely unacceptable and condemnable,” noted Democratic Left in a statement also released on Wednesday.

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