Overpass collapse kills two in Brazil World Cup city

Vehicles are trapped underneath a bridge that collapsed while under construction in Belo Horizonte, July 3, 2014. REUTERS Photo

An unfinished highway overpass being built for the World Cup in Brazil collapsed Thursday in the city due to hold a semifinal match, killing at least two people and injuring 19.
The tragedy in Belo Horizonte turned the fervor gripping the nation as it prepared for quarter finals Friday to mourning.
Large-screen TV public gatherings to watch the game Friday against Colombia in another city, Fortaleza, were scratched. President Dilma Rousseff expressed sadness over the accident.
Globo television footage showed the front of a yellow bus crushed under a large stretch of the fallen highway, which is about five kilometers (three miles) from the southeastern city's World Cup stadium and was being built as part of delayed infrastructure improvements for the world's premier sporting event.
"It was like an earthquake. The ground shook violently," Daniel Magalhaes, who was near the site at the time of the accident, told Globo. "I heard a deafening sound. I looked and saw the collapsed overpass."       
Two people were killed and 19 injured, the mayor's office said. One of the fatalities was the bus driver. Three other vehicles, two trucks and a car, were also hit.
The unfinished project was part of Brazil's frenzied and not completedly successful rush to get infrastructure ready for the World Cup. Some stadiums were incomplete when games started.
Over the past year the $11-billion price tag for staging the Cup angered Brazilians who took to the streets, clamoring that so much money might be better spent to improve things like schools and hospitals.
Brazil will also host the 2016 Summer Olympic...

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