Three Israelis in custody admit Palestinian teen murder: source

Mohammed Abu Khudair, 16, is seen in this undated family handout picture released July 6, 2014. REUTERS Photo

Three of six Israelis held over the abduction and killing of a Palestinian teenager last week have confessed to the murder, a source close to the investigation said on July 6.
"Three out of six suspects in custody have confessed to the murder and burning of Mohammed Abu Khder, and performed a re-enactment of the crime" in front of officers, the source told AFP, requesting anonymity.
Israel arrested six Jewish extremists on Sunday in connection with the killing of 16-year-old Abu Khder on July 2, in a gruesome attack that triggered days of clashes in annexed east Jerusalem and Arab Israeli towns.
The attack is believed to have been in revenge for the kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank last month, and the twin attacks have ratcheted up tensions throughout Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Authorities have placed a gag order on most aspects of the investigation into Abu Khder's murder.
But Honenu, a legal organisation which defends right-wing Jewish extremists, said it was representing six people -- three of them minors -- whose remand was extended by the Petah Tikva magistrates court, just outside Tel Aviv, on Sunday.

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