Israel defies UN truce call in first Gaza ground assault

An explosion is seen in the northern Gaza Strip after an Israeli air strike Julky 13. REUTERS Photo

Israeli marines mounted a first ground assault on Gaza early July 13, further escalating a deadly six-day offensive hours after the U.N. Security Council unanimously called for a ceasefire.

As world powers prepared to meet in Vienna over the escalating conflict, the Palestinian death toll from Israel's punishing air campaign hit 165 following the bloodiest day yet, which left 56 people dead.

So far, no Israelis have been killed, although militants in Gaza have pounded the south and centre of the country with more than 630 rockets since the fighting began on July 8, as Israel and Hamas militants faced off in the biggest confrontation since 2012.        

Overnight, Israeli naval commandos raided the northern Gaza Strip on a mission to destroy longer-range rockets, dozens of which have been fired at cities as far away as Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Hadera in the north, sending tens of thousands fleeing for cover.        

"A naval commando operation took place on a beach in Gaza this morning with the aim of hitting a long-distance rocket launching site," Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner told reporters, saying the mission was a success, despite four soldiers being lightly injured.        

Radio reports spoke of a fierce gun battle with Hamas militants in the Sudaniya district.        

The ground operation came just hours after the U.N. Security Council unanimously urged Israel and Hamas to return to the ceasefire agreement that ended their last round of fighting in November 2012.

The chief diplomats of Britain, France, Germany and the United States were due to discuss truce efforts when they meet in Vienna later on July 13.

Israel's air campaign claimed its highest toll on...

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