Russia hires two Serbian companies for railway modernisation

BELGRADE - The company Russian Railways RZZD International hired two more Serbian companies, Novi Sad-based Energotehnika-Juzna Backa and ATM from Belgrade, within the project aimed at modernisation of the Serbian railway system.

Representatives of the Russian company signed on Friday the contract with its Serbian subcontractors to the total value of USD 4.5 million. The subcontracted local consortium comprises Energotehnika-Juzna Backa and ATM, RZZD International released.

The contract covers the delivery of materials, equipment and performance of construction works on the contact network and electric energy plants on the Pancevo bridge-Pancevo main station section.

The modernisation of the railway infrastructure in Serbia is funded by the Russian loan worth USD 800 million, and it will make room for considerable increase of capacities of the Serbian railway system.

Photo Tanjug, D. Peternek (archive photo)

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