Political program for new party following PNL-PDL merger, approved by joint congress

Photo credit: (c) Simion MECHNO / AGERPRES PHOTO

The political program of the new political party resulting from the merger between the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) was approved on Saturday by the joint Liberal - Democrat Liberal congress.

The new National Liberal Party that will be created following the merger between PNL and PDL will be the party representing Romania's modernization and will be a defender of human dignity, liberty and solidarity, the political program of this formation shows.

The document espouses the political vision of the party in several domains and areas of interest important for Romanian society. The new party is for a policy of values — dignity, liberty, justice, solidarity.

"Freedom is a central value that we respect. (...) Individual freedom has but one limit: respect for another's freedom. (...) Only a state that ensures the liberty of its own citizens is a powerful state", the document shows.

In the opinion of the new political formation, the state must intervene only when a person cannot ensure for themselves a decent standard of living and is not helped by people close to him or the community he is part of, and private organizations dedicated to this purpose cannot take measures in his favor.

Modernizing the state is, in the opinion of the new National Liberal Party, an element that is connected to political will.

"The capacity for progress of Romania depends on the reforming political will directed against the clientele system developed during the communist regime and continued by left-wing parties. The functioning of the state is based on good governance, on primacy of law and on judicial and responsible administration of public finances", the political program shows.


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