UNSC to hold session on Kosovo on Aug 25

(Beta, file)

UNSC to hold session on Kosovo on Aug 25

NEW YORK -- The United Nations Security Council will meet August 25 to discuss the regular quarterly report by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the situation in Kosovo.

A temporary schedule of sessions, published on the UN website, said that the debate on the situation in Kosovo should be held in the morning hours local time.

Challenges remain in the implementation of certain provisions of the Brussels agreement, in particular with regards to the establishment of the community of Serb municipalities, the UN Secretary-General said in the latest report on Kosovo and Metohija for the period between January 21 and April 15.

This, however, should not overshadow the remarkable progress achieved in the Belgrade-Priština dialogue, he noted, encouraging both sides to “continue to make efforts towards the full and faithful implementation of the agreement”.

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