Ukraine a battlefield between avoiding West, provoking Russia (embassy)

Photo credit: (c) Simion MECHNO / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

Ukraine has actually become a battlefield between West and East, with Occidentals trying to avoid war, while Russia wants it, and Ukraine is fighting it. Meanwhile, the West keeps ignoring the reality, a Friday's release of the Ukraine embassy in Bucharest asserts.

According to this document, Ukraine warns that Europe is on the brink of a large-scale war, and events in the Balkans and Chechnya will look like 'a child's game' compared to it.

'We are facing a nuclear power, which ignores other international actors and international laws. If the West and Europe wish to avoid this perspective, they must react now. (...) Russia hopes that the European Union and NATO will not react to the military invasion, and limit themselves to voice their concern. Russia tries to prove the world the incapacity of global powers to react to its provoking actions, and highlight the failure of Western intentions of building an efficient security system,' the release stresses.

According to this source, Russia shifted from the previous 'covert war' to an open intervention in Ukraine, which the authorities in Kiev see as an aggression.

'Following the intervention of Russian military units in Ukraine, the situation has evolved. Actually, this is a new step towards the accomplishment of Kremlin's strategy — war without declaring war, destabilizing Ukraine, playing along the Occident's weaknesses,' the embassy mentions.

The quoted document also mentions that Moscow's actions unfold on the eve of the NATO summit, proving Russia's 'contempt' for international laws.

'Attempts of settling the problem by begging the Kremlin and adding sanctions have failed. The aggressors are clearing their way ignoring economic and political losses...

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