Parliament adopts amendments to Law on Higher Education

BELGRADE - Members of the Serbian parliament adopted on Wednesday the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Higher Education, which, among other things, provides for shortening the time needed to recognize foreign education diplomas, which should help bring young domestic experts back to Serbia.

Amendments to the law separated the recognition of foreign diplomas for the purposes of employment in Serbia (professional recognition) from the one that a foreign student needs to be able to continue schooling at Serbia's faculties (academic recognition).

The recognition in the event of continuing schooling remains under the authority of faculties and universities, who are to make a relevant decision within 60 days of the receipt of a proper request.

The recognition of professional diplomas, a procedure that used to last for months, often making candidates give up, has also been made easier, and is now being taken over by the Ministry of Education and the ENIK/NARIK center.

The Bill provides for recognizing the acquired level of knowledge and not comparing the study program at a foreign university with the study programs in Serbia, and a diploma recognition for professional purposes should now take no more than 90 days since the date of receipt of the request to be granted.

The Bill also specifies detailed procedures for accreditation and issuance of work permits to faculties, which will be valid for five years following the completion of accreditation.

After that period, if an educational institution fails to submit an application for accreditation renewal, the Ministry shall make a decision to ban the faculty from operating within three days.

The amendments provide that the accreditation...

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