Outgoing Commissioner Ciolos: Romania to be well represented with Cretu holding regional development portfolio

Photo credit: (c) Simion MECHNO / AGERPRES PHOTO 'Romania will be well represented with Ms Corina Cretu holding the regional development portfolio, in the same way that I, as a European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development have tried to do my job on a European level, by the fact that I speak the same language, that I come from here, I have contacts with very many people in Romania, I am convinced Ms Corina Cretu, in her portfolio, which is important for Romania, will do the same ', Ciolos told Digi24 news channel. He underscored Romania has received an important portfolio in the future European Union executive. 'A portfolio is not assigned a member state, as the European Commission president also said, but a designated commissioner', he added. Earlier in the day, on attending RuralFest farming and animal-breeding event organized by the European Commission Resident Office in Bucharest, the outgoing commissioner stressed he will remain close to the agricultural sector after he ends his term in the European Commission and the experience he has gained over the last years will be used in the interest of Romania. When asked whether he plans starting a farming business, Ciolos explained the former commissioners have very many restrictions to their professional activity after the end of the mandate and added he is not interested in working in the private environment at this moment

Romania will be well represented with Corina Cretu holding the regional development commissioner's portfolio, said outgoing Agriculture Commissioner Romanian Dacian Ciolos on Sunday, also underscoring a European Commission portfolio is not assigned a member state, but a designated commissioner.

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