INTERVIEW Bogdan 'Bodo' Marin (Proconsul): I'd give Bucharest a law, fines for stepping out glum-faced

Photo credit: (c) Vlad STAVRICA / AGERPRES PHOTO

'Proconsul' band frontman Bogdan 'Bodo' Marin said in an interview with AGERPRES, given as part of the 'MY CITY BUCHAREST' project, that he is dependent on this city 'because his roots are firmly anchored' here.

Bodo spoke of the pleasure he had in his childhood to ride the bus, about the courtesy of the Bucharesters of yore, but also about his favorite parks where he goes for strolls with his family. The artist would like to no longer see so much bitterness and sadness in the faces of his city co-inhabitants, he would like to see more people smiling, talking politely to each other even if they are perfect strangers, and as an urban landscaping suggestion, he'd like to see more green spots, more parks.


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