SYRIZA attacks 'empty handed' Samaras in wake of Berlin meeting

One day after Prime Minister Antonis Samaras met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel where he set out how Athens could exit its adjustment program and cover its financing needs from next year, leftist opposition SYRIZA attacked the conservative leader saying talks in Berlin had produced zero results.

“Samaras returned empty handed,” SYRIZA spokesman Panos Skourletis told Antenna TV on Wednesday.

“For the third time... Samaras failed to live up to expectations that he himself had set,” he said adding that Merkel had made clear to the Greek PM that the debt-hit country would have to fulfill all the obligations stemming from the bailout program.

Funding from the eurozone ends in December 2014 and IMF aid expires in the first quarter of 2016. That has raised questions on whether a European country should be left to the IMF's sole supervision without any EU involvement.

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