INTERVIEW Linguist Rodica Zafiu: my passion for Bucharest - very subjective search of time past and lost

Photo credit: (c) Cristian NISTOR / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

Linguist Rodica Zafiu says, in an interview for AGERPRES, that her passion for Bucharest is mostly a very subjective search, of the time past and lost.

"A search of my own childhood, but by association, also of the life of the people close to me: my parents' youth, grandparents' strolls and parties, neighbours' stories. The desire to relive and live also what I have not lived in fact. Perhaps it is a lack of imagination as well: It is easier for me to imagine alternative lives in homes with windows to the street and tiny gardens in the old streets of Bucharest than in igloos or huts on tropical islands," says the teacher, in the interview given within the project 'MY CITY, BUCHAREST.'


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