Vucic: We will continue to fight against tobacco smuggling

SENTA - Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic put into operation the new super slim cigarette making machine at the Japan Tobacco International (JTI) plant in Senta on Wednesday, and stressed that Serbia will continue to fight against illegal tobacco trade.

After meeting the factory management and visiting the production plant, Vucic said that the state has launched a fierce campaign against illegal tobacco trade and the smuggling of hand-rolling tobacco. He added that, in terms of excise tax policy, JTI has a friend and an ally in the Serbian government.

The results of the fight against illegal tobacco trade are evident, he said, pointing out that budget revenues from excise taxes over the past two months have not decreased compared to the year before, and stressed that the state will continue this fight.

Around RSD 15 billion are expected in the Serbian budget from JTI this year as well as in 2015, he added.

Vucic thanked the Japanese company on its dedication to work and care for its workers, stressing that JTI is an example of a positive approach to employees.

The launch ceremony was attended by Japanese Ambassador to Serbia Masafumi Kuroki, Senta Mayor Rudolf Cegledi, and Labor Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

Kuroki said that JTI's success in Serbia will encourage other Japanese companies to invest in the country.

Winston, Glamour and LD Super Slim cigarettes have so far been imported into Serbia, but owing to the new investment, these brands will now be manufactured in Senta both for the local market and for export to Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

As the largest tobacco producer in Serbia, we continue to invest in the production and...

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