Enrico Letta: Romania will have 'to play a crucial role in Europe' after the election

Photo credit: (c) Radu TUTA / AGERPRES PHOTO

Romania will have 'to play a crucial role in Europe,' in the context of new opportunities arising, but also in the context of the geopolitical changes in the region of late, the former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta said Monday at the EU-Southeast Europe Summit.

He said that Europe is at a crossroads right now and Romania may have an important chance to development.

'The first such turning point is represented by the new team in Brussels ready to take over, with the confidence vote in the EU Parliament to be held probably this very week (...) The second crisis refers to the geopolitical storm we faced in 2014 (...) What happened in Ukraine and Russia completely changed the picture in the region (...) And the third crossroad refers to Romania, which is going through a very important electioneering campaign right now, following to have a new, wider, space for maneuver after that and following probably to play a crucial role in Europe once election is over. There are new opportunities to be considered,' said Letta at the EU Summit for Southeast Europe carried out under the title 'On the road to stability and growth' organised by The Economist business magazine in Bucharest.

The National News Agency AGERPRES is the official media partner of this event. AGERPRES

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