Candidate and PM Ponta: No tax raise next year

Photo credit: (c) Mihai POZIUMSCHI / AGERPRES PHOTO

There will be no duties and taxes raise in 2015, Prime Minister Victor Ponta, running for president, declared on Monday at the Parliament Palace.

'So I want to say it very clearly, and call for seriousness — although I've seen much hypocrisy and lightness over the past days at the three [presidential] candidates of Mr. [President Traian] Basescu, [namely] Elena Udrea, Klaus Iohannis and Monica Macovei — next year we won't change anything at any duty. There will be no change to the flat tax, no change to the VAT other than lowering it, if we succeed — and I think we will — in cutting it to 9 percent for fruits, vegetable, bio products and meat; no change to the fiscal philosophy. All we adopted so far is within the current revenues. If we start with foolish things and lies like 'we will cut all VAT to 19 percent, reduce the flat tax to 10 percent' — foolish things and lies I've heard from Mr. Iohannis, because he isn't aware and doesn't know — that would be 6.5 billion euros that of course no one could cover somehow. But this is if he comes to govern, which will surely not happen, because I will not appoint him as prime minister, as I haven't appointed him as vice prime minister when he recently wanted it, in February,' Ponta claimed.


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