EP backs independent investigation into EULEX mission

BRUSSELS - The leaders of the three largest groups in the European Parliament (EP) Wednesday welcomed the decision by EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini to launch an independent investigation into allegations about abuses at top levels of the European rule of law mission in Kosovo (EULEX).

Ulrike Lunacek, member of the Group of the Greens and EP vice president, who raised concerns following a "far from satisfactory" meeting with EULEX officials yesterday, and Elmar Brok of the conservative European People's Party (EPP) coalition, who chairs the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs, welcomed the appointment of an independent external investigator.

Lunacek also highlighted the importance of acting "decisively on any findings of irregularities and corruption because the reputation of the most important EU foreign policy mission, and the credibility of the EU itself, is at stake."

A little earlier today, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, the second-largest group in the EP, also expressed their support for the launching of the independent investigation.

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