Serbia, Russia agree to step up cultural cooperation

BELGRADE - The cooperation in the field of culture between the Republic of Serbia and the Russian Federation will be intensified as of 2015, it has been agreed during a meeting between Serbia's Culture Minister Ivan Tasovac and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Medinsky.

The bilateral meeting took place during Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia's recent visit to Belgrade, during which he also toured the exhibition staged by the Russian State Archive titled "Russia and Serbia: History of Spiritual Connections from XIV to XIX century", which is currently on display at the Historical Museum of Serbia, the ministry stated in a release.

Medinsky and Tasovac agreed that there are big prospects for improving cultural cooperation even further, especially concerning contemporary works, and details of the cooperation will be determined with a protocol which should be signed next year.

The ministers agreed that the talks on this topic will continue at a forum in St. Petersburg, which will be held from December 7 to 9 this year, when modes of future cooperation will be specified.

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