Šešelj must be held accountable for murder of Zoran Đinđić

Šešelj must be held accountable for murder of Zoran Đinđić

"Vojislav Šešelj's name has to be on the list of people accused for murder of former Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić. Political background of this crime must be investigated", says Rajko Danilović, lawyer of Đinđić's family.


- I expect forming a committe which will investigate the political background of Zoran Đinđić's murder, and that Vojislav Šešelj will recevie a subpoena. The only reason he is not charged is because he went to The Hague two weeks before prosecutor Jovan Prijić wrote the indicment - says Danilović, and reminds that Serbian Radical Party leader maintained in contact with Zemun clan bosses and the "Red berets."

Danilović is unhappy because forming the mentioned committee is a very slow process. He claims that none of the representatives from the police forces are still not selected.

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