Doctors cautious about prognosis for helicopter crash survivors

Photo credit: (c) Dorina MATIS / AGERPRES STREAM

The doctors' prognosis for the two servicemen who survived the helicopter crash occurred on Friday in Malancrav - Brasov County is cautious, said Dr. Adrian Stanculea, spokesperson for the Bucharest Plastic, Reconstruction and Burn Surgery Emergency Hospital, where the two were brought Friday evening.

"Two men aged about 40 were admitted the night before; they had burns on around 40 percent [of the body]. One of them also has a facial trauma and 30 percent of his burn injuries are of the third-degree. The other's deep burn injuries are not that extended, but he also has a radius fracture. They will operate on Monday on the one with more extensive deep-burn injuries. The badly damaged portions will be removed and replaced with skin grafts. The prognosis is quite cautious, and for the patient with the serious deep burn injuries it is even more unoptimistic (...), he is further intubated. But then, they are young people," Dr. Stanculea said on Saturday.


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