PM Ponta: Postal or electronic voting legislation, the right solution


Prime Minister Victor Ponta on Tuesday suggested Parliament to amend the existing legislation to include either postal voting or electronic voting, arguing that that is the best solution for all overseas Romanians to be able to vote when they want to.

'Records with the diplomatic and consular missions of Romania indicate that there are just 550,000 Romanian nationals having a declared residence abroad. Obviously, their number is much higher, and in the November 16 runoff election there were 10 per cent of overseas Romanians casting ballots, while 3.5-3.8 million Romanian nationals are currently abroad. In order to secure the turnout in the future of all who want to cast ballots, you should first of all consider logistics. The right solution as far as the Government is concerned is a legislation that will allow a different type of voting, either postal voting or electronic voting,' Ponta told a plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday that discussed the voting of Romanian expats in the recently ended presidential election.


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