Serbia listed among Best in Travel 2015 Top 10 destinations

BELGRADE - The Lonely Planet travel guide has listed Serbia as one of its Best in Travel 2015 Top 10 destinations, which have been presented at a ceremony in Milan, the Tourist Organization of Serbia (TOS) said in a release on Thursday.

The TOS showcased Serbia's tourism offer to the reporters and tour operators, along with several other countries in the top 10.

The presentation ceremony was organized by Lonely Planet Italy, Radio Capital, TOS, the city of Milan, the Kingdom of Norway and the top-ranked Singapore.

The new travel guide was launched, the top 10 destinations to visit in 2015 were presented, while Serbia's famous trumpeter Dejan Petrovic and his Big Band provided the entertainment.

"We are proud to be listed in the new Lonely Planet travel guide as it shows the growing interest of foreign tourists in Serbia as a travel destination. It also shows that the international market recognizes the resources, efforts and energy we have invested in the promotion of Serbia's diverse tourism offer," TOS director Gordana Plamenac said.

Photo Tanjug, R. Prelic (illustration, archive)

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