Major Greek investment forum in NY

By Ilias Bellos

Representatives of the Greek government, state sell-off fund TAIPED, the HFSF bank bailout fund, local banks and other listed companies are in New York on Monday to meet with the US investment community at of the 16th annual Greek Investor Forum.

The presence of major private equity funds that are already positioned in Greece, as well as the majority of major Wall Street and European investment firms, lends great significance to the meetings during what is a crucial period for the Greek economy.

Greece will be represented at the Metropolitan Club of New York by four ministers, while Prime Minister Antonis Samaras will send his own message via a live satellite feed on “A New Era of Opportunities in Greece.” The International Monetary Fund’s representative in the troika of inspectors, Richi Goyal, and European Commission Vice President Jyrki Katainen will also be present.

Confirmed participants exceed 1,000, including senior officials from Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank Securities, BNP Paribas, Citi, UBS and Bank of America Merrill Lynch, as well as funds such as Eaglevale Partners, Invel Real Estate, Marathon Asset Management, Oak Hill Advisors, York Capital and Blackstone.

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