Bulgaria’s Economy Minister: TTIP Will Boost Trade with US

Bulgaria's Economy Minister Bozhidar Lukarski, photo by BGNES

Bulgaria expects the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to help boost trade with the US, according to Economy Minister Bozhidar Lukarski.

Lukarski participated in a conference titled "The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Prospects for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses" organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria and Confindustria Bulgaria.

The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kuneva and US Ambassador to Bulgaria Marcie Ries.

"Improving access to the US market for Bulgarian goods, services, and public procurement will contribute substantially to stimulating economic growth, innovation, and employment in Bulgaria, as well as the protection of intellectual property rights," Lukarski declared, as cited by the BGNES news agency.

He underscored that Bulgaria expected the TTIP to have a positive impact on the sectoral competitiveness and productivity.

Lukarski emphasized that the EU would not allow a lowering of standards in environmental protection, labor, and healthcare.

He said that the TTIP was very important for Bulgaria, stressing the export opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises, whose share in the sector was too small.

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