PM Borisov Says Bulgaria Not a Coin in Politics, EU Should Support It

Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. Photo by BGNES

Bulgaria will not allow to be used as a coin in relations between Russia and the West, the country's Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said in Brussels on Wednesday evening.

Prior to meeting the EU's top officials on Thursday, Borisov discussed the demise of South Stream with Elmar Brok, who chairs the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs.

"I expect of European leaders also to defend Bulgaria's interest in the process of talks between Russia and the European Union," the government's press office quotes the PM as saying.

In his words, Bulgaria has always backed the pipeline project, but only in line with the national and EU legislation.

Sofia froze the construction of South Stream in June under pressure from the EU Commission.

A few months later, on December 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced South Stream, which was to pump Russian gas into Europe via Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Austria, was being abandoned.  

Borisov is set to meet on Thursday EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, EU Parliament President Martin Schulz and European Council President Donald Tusk. Talks are also scheduled with Joseph Daul, head of the European People's Party (EPP) of which the Prime Minister's party is a member.

South Stream will be the core issue of most official meetings, alongside absorption of EU funds and monitoring reports on Bulgaria with the next document expected in January.





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