Serbian parliament adopts Law on Planning and Construction

BELGRADE - The Serbian parliament adopted by a majority vote on Monday the amendments to the Law on planning and Construction which make it possible to obtain all necessary permits at a single counter in 28 days and building permits in five days.

Prior to the adoption of the amendments, it took 240 days to obtain all the documents.

The law should start to take effect on March 1, by which time local administrations will be fully capable of implementing the framework law.

The document provides for introducing electronic building permits in the second half of the year.

The amended law is aimed at eliminating a large number of procedures and fees for obtaining construction permits, improving the economic climate in order to attract investors, increasing the share of civil engineering in the domestic gross product (GDP) from four at present to seven percent in 2017, as well as increasing overall economic growth and stepping up reforms and a lot of investment projects.

The administration will take on the responsibility for the collection of documentation and various certificates to make teh procedure easier for investors.

The entire procedure for obtaining construction documents will be carried out as a single procedure at a single place, al the way from the issuance of the location permit to obtaining the occupancy permit.

The law also introduces the concept of financier - a person who has the power of attorney in the process besides the investor. The investor shall provide a conceptual design for the future project together with the request lodged.

The occupancy permit shall be issued within five days from the date the request is lodged and shall be delivered to the investor and...

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