The neighborhood is confused

The secularist neighborhood is very much in disarray nowadays. Some sadistically enjoy what is happening to the people belonging to the Fethullah Gülen Islamist brotherhood, some are expressing sympathy for their suffering, while some are rather indifferent, saying two evil forces are fighting and they just don't bother which will eventually overcome the other.

Can indeed anyone sit at a corner and watch a war between the government and the Gülenists, saying this is a war of attrition, irrespective of who wins, the other will continue oppressing the rest of the country, particularly the secularists? Is it that simple? Is it possible at all that if the Justice and Development Party (AKP) political clan wins over the Gülen brotherhood, that is if the elected political Islamists is victorious in the fight with a religious community, Turkey will be better off? Or, is the Gülen brotherhood fighting for democracy, rights and liberties and if it loses the country will lose all together?

This is a complex situation and it is rather normal that the secularist neighborhoods, including the Kemalist and the nationalist streets, as well as the Kemalist-nationalist-pious street, are perplexed with the complicated situation they have confronted. Which side they should align with?

Was it not the Gülenists that incited the government to walk over, indeed try to bulldoze, the secularists over the past decade? Was it not the Gülenists who helped the Center for Excellence in Concocting Forged Evidence to produce suitcases full of forged or manipulated evidence that landed many people in prison for years? Who indeed is responsible for the daughter of Mustafa Balbay, who grew up without a father, discriminated at school, spent years in between Ankara and the...

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