BG Online Media Companies File Complaint Against Google


The Bulgarian online media companies Net Info and V Box filed a complaint with the Competition Protection Commission (CPC) against Google and its video portal YouTube, reports the Capital Daily business daily, quoting the CPC site.

According to Hristo Hristov, executive director of Net Info, the complaint was prompted by the fact that during the election campaign in Bulgaria this year, YouTube was showing ads for various Bulgarian political parties and candidates.

"By law we are required to present to the Audit Office and the Central Electoral Commission clear advertising tariffs for the political parties during the campaigns, while Google does not do so," Hristov told Capital Daily.

According to him, thus the aims of the Electoral Code were diluted.

"Anyone who has, let's say BGN 10 M, can invest in political advertising in YouTube," Hristov said, adding that they decided to include in the complaint Net Info's daughter company V Box, which owns Bulgaria's largest video sharing portal Vbox7.

"It is true that the Electoral Code does not apply to the social networks, but I don't think YouTube is a social network," Hristov said. "If it is, then we'll say Vbox7 is also a social network."

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