North Korea's Internet links restored amid US hacking dispute

In this file photo, North Korean students use computers in a classroom with portraits of the country's later leaders Kim Il Sung, left, and his son Kim Jong Il hanging on the wall at the Kim Chaek University of Technology in Pyongyang, North Korea. AP hoto

North Korea, at the center of a confrontation with the United  States over the hacking of Sony Pictures, experienced a complete Internet outage for hours before links were restored on Dec. 23, a U.S. company that monitors Internet infrastructure said.
New Hampshire-based Dyn said the reason for the outage was not known but could range from technological glitches to a hacking attack. Several U.S. officials close to the investigations of the attack on Sony Pictures said the U.S. government was not involved in any cyber action against Pyongyang.
U.S. President Barack Obama had vowed on Friday to respond to the major cyber attack, which he blamed on North Korea, "in a place and time and manner that we choose."
Dyn said North Korea's Internet links were unstable on Monday and the country later went completely offline.
"We're yet to see how stable the new connection is," Jim Cowie, chief scientist for the company, said in a telephone call after the services were restored.
"The question for the next few hours is whether it will return to the unstable fluctuations we saw before the outage."
Meanwhile South Korea, which remains technically at war with the North, said it could not rule out the involvement of its isolated neighbour in a cyberattack on its nuclear power plant operator. It said only non-critical data was stolen and operations were not at risk, but had asked for U.S. help in investigating.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye said on Tuesday the leak of data from the nuclear operator was a "grave situation" that was unacceptable as a matter of national security, but she did not mention any involvement of North Korea.
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