Maramures County's guest houses, motels, hotels fully booked for New Year's holiday

Photo credit: (c) Eugenia PASCA / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

Guest houses, motels and hotels of the alpine spas in northern Romania's Maramures are fully booked for the New Year's night and the other three days to come of the winter holiday.

"Tourists, most of them Romanians, alongside foreigners too have chosen to spend the night between years either in the half-board houses in the Maramures County's villages and communes, or in the motels and hotels of the five spas of the county. For those who preferred the New Year's night in the countryside, traditional meals are waiting for them, of which the pork meals will keep the top: cabbage rolls (sarmale), jellied pork, white and black pudding, smoked bacon, next to Transylvanian specific meals. The traditional sponge cake and the stone baked, the wine and the mulled plum brandy from their own household too will complete the meals seasoned with some other culinary goodies in order to diversify the food on this special night," the chairman of the National Agency of Cultural and Ecological Rural Tourism (ANTREC) Maramures, Victoria Berbecaru told Agerpres.


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