Iran ‘must end isolation for economy to flourish’

President Rouhani says Iran wanted ‘lasting and sustainable development, adding that foreign policy change was necessary if the country was to escape years of ‘constriction.’ AFP photo

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said Jan. 4 that foreign investors should no longer be viewed as a threat and signaled his country’s decades-long isolation from the world economy could soon end.

Speaking at an economic conference in Tehran, he said the Islamic republic would not give up its principles but it would be better placed to conclusively emerge from recession if it opened up.

Iran is engaged in long-running negotiations with world powers aimed at a comprehensive deal over its disputed nuclear program which, if successful, will likely result in an investment boom.

A key point in any agreement would be the lifting of wide-ranging sanctions, imposed on Iran as punishment for its atomic activities, blamed for neutering its oil- and gas-rich economy.

Rouhani said Iran wanted “lasting and sustainable development” and if it was to escape the recent years of “constriction” caused by its foreign policy then change was necessary.

“Our political life has shown we cannot have sustainable growth while we are isolated,” he told an audience of 1,500 economic experts and guests, including the economy minister and head of the Central Bank.

“The time is past when it used to be said that if a foreign investor comes to Iran, our independence will be in danger,” he added.

The president’s comments alluded to a checkered history of foreign involvement in Iran’s economic affairs, chiefly from Russia and Britain in the oil industry.

In 1953, British and U.S. intelligence services orchestrated the ouster of democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mossadeq, in a coup d’etat after he announced plans for oil nationalization.
His overthrow remains a toxic issue and a rallying...

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