Transgaz estimates 16.715 million MWh demand in natural gas in January 2015


The total demand of natural gas in January 2015 estimated by the national natural gas transporter Transgaz is rd 16.715 million MWh, according to proposal in the substantiation report drafted by the national operator of transport and transmission of gas system sent to the National Regulation Authority in Energy (ANRE).

The demand on the regulated market is estimated by Transgaz at 5.556 million MWh, of which 16,212 MWh for the non-domestic consumers and 5.54 million MWh for the domestic consumers. Likewise, the demand on the eligible consumers market is foreseen at 10.435 million MWh, and the technological consumption (which the structure of the gas mixture is not applied to) at 723,609 MWh.

As regards the gas mixture for the domestic consumers and the thermal energy producers, the ANRE has endorsed that they should be 98 pct. of domestic production and 2 pct. from the import.
The demand approved by ANRE counts for 7.718 million MWh.


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