Serb Republic is no "accidental whim" - Dodik

(Tanjug, file)

Serb Republic is no "accidental whim" - Dodik

BANJA LUKA -- President of the Serb entity in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Serb Republic (RS), Milorad Dodik has said that the RS is "not an accidental whim."

Speaking on the occasion of January 9 - RS Day - he said the entity proved it was not "a whisper of wind brought on by the collapse of the former Yugoslavia" - but instead "the permanent choice of the people who live in that area."

Dodik told reporters in Banja Luka that the RS institutions will "do everything" to quickly plan and carry out "very comprehensive measures" to additionally stabilize the entity, allow economic growth and create jobs.

The Fena news agency quoted him as saying that "everyone in the RS needs to gather together with new energy to solve the existing problems."

"The Serb Republic (Republika Srpska) is a synonym for freedom to the Serb people, but also a good place to live for others," he stressed, after joining other RS officials in ceremonies honoring those who helped create the entity.

RS Assembly President Nedeljko Cubrilovic took part in the ceremony, and previously said that "nobody can any longer bring into question the existence of the Rs as a unified and equal part of Bosnia-Herzegovina."

Serb representative in the Bosnian presidency and its current chair. Mladen Ivanic, also believes that the RS has overcome its key challenges and that "nobody is any longer bringing into question" this entity.

"It is now up to us to strengthen the RS economically, to deal more with the economy and secure the perspective in this way, especially for young people, because they are the foundation of Srpska," he said.

On Thursday, Ivanic placed wreaths at memorial sites...

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