Slight increase in number of visitors to Danube Delta

Photo credit: (c) Luisiana BIGEA / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

The number of visitors to the Danube Delta that have paid entry permits to the Reserve rose slightly compared to past years, according to official data provided by the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration (ARBDD).

Photo credit: (c) Luisiana BIGEA / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

"The number of entry permits to the Danube Delta issued by the Administration in 2014, namely 43,190, is a slight increase compared to the previous year and I hope that this year the situation stays that way, even more so as we will try to facilitate payment of these permits through the installation of automated booths", said for AGERPRES the governor of the Reserve, Lucian Simion.

In what regards the tourist phenomenon, he said that, in total, the number of visitors to the Danube Delta exceeded 100,000.

"The data received from the tourism operators showed that last year in the reserve there were 56,000 tourists, but our estimates show that they were joined by other 50,000 visitors", said governor Simion.

According to the source, ARBDD last year issued 2,720 auto permits and 3,268 naval permits.

The highest number of visitors per year recorded in the Danube Delta occurred in 2008, with 142,845 visitors traveling to the Danube Delta. AGERPRES

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