SRI: Cyber security law, essential for making national cyber security system operational

Photo credit: (c) Cristian NISTOR / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

The cyber security law is essential to the objective of making the national cyber security system operational and facilitating the adoption of a complex of measures correlated with the accelerated dynamic of cyber-attacks, according to a press release of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) remitted to AGERPRES on Sunday.

Photo credit: (c) Cristian NISTOR / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

'In regards with some critics brought to the cyber security law, the SRI reiterates the constant concern for the complete observance of the legislative framework referring to the protection of human fundamental rights and freedoms and the permanent actions for protecting them. In this respect, we reiterate that the law, such as it was adopted in Parliament, doesn't allow the state institutions' access to data concerning the individuals' private life, without the previous authorisation from a judge. From this stand, we find that the fears, the speculations and the accusations manifested in the public area are lacking any real ground,' the release signed by SRI Spokesman Sorin Sava reveals.

He shows that, according to this law, only the cyber infrastructure owners (not natural entities holding IT&C equipment ? computers, tablets, smartphones, etc) have the responsibility to put at the disposal of the authorities in charge, upon a motivated request, exclusively technical data, such as the indicators describing the activities carried out on the operation systems level (logs) concerning the threat (cyber-attack, security incident, etc) making the object of the request.

'Subsequently, if the evaluation of the previously obtained technical data, limiting the investigation area, reveals the need to expand the investigation on some equipment involved in the cyber...

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