Bosnia Minister Quits Over Arms Sales to Ukraine

Bosnia's Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Minister, Boris Tucic, on Thursday said that he had resigned, citing mounting pressure to allow sales of Bosnian ammunition to Ukraine.

"The main reason for my resignation was my disagreement with acts of certain institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are involved in issuing permits for the export of weapons and military equipment, which only partially take into account legal regulations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its international obligations... as well as seriously jeopardizing relations with some of its most important partners and investors," Tucic said.

Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska and the president of the largest Serbian party - the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, which Tucic is a member of - supported Tucic's decision to quit.  "I think the resignation is a moral one and I am in full solidarity with him," he said.

Bosnian Serb media also quoted Dodik as saying that he had previously asked the Bosnian Presidency to stop ammunition sales to Ukraine, adding that it was against Russian interests, but there were no reaction from the Presidency.

Many Serbs cherish ties to Russia - a fellow Orthodox nation - and the conflict in Ukraine between the pro-Western government in Kiev and pro-Russian separatists in the east has put them in an awkward position.

Dodik and his government in the mainly Serbian entity in Bosnia have cultivated relations with Russia and Dodik was one of the few politicians worldwide to personally congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on the annexation of the Crimea from Ukraine.

Some analysts say Tucic's resignation will have little real effect since the mandate of the current state government is...

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