Italian FinMin Padoan, ex-PM D’Alema on Greek econ crisis

Italian FinMin Pier Carlo Padoan and former PM Massimo D’Alema referred to the resurgent Greek economic crisis this week, with their positions hosted on Friday in Italian press.


“There is a common will to find a solution for Greece, which will last in the long-term, rather than one derived from pressure. A solution which will benefit Europe as a whole. Together, we will manage to find said solution”, said Padoan.


The minister also commented on the ECB’s recent decision to stop accepting Greek state bonds as collateral, saying he considers it Mario Draghi’s message that “European institutions are ready to play their part, but always within the rules”. As far as the troika goes, he said it still has a reason to exist, but its programs must be revisited and redefined.


Ex-Italian PM Massimo D’Alema merely underlined that “Europe must help Alexis Tsipras”.


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