Miscevic holds talks with members of Bundestag

BELGRADE - Tanja Miscevic, head of the Serbian negotiating team in accession negotiations with the EU, met Wednesday with a delegation of the German Bundestag, led by Peter Weiss, chairman of the German Bundestag Parliamentary Friendship Group for Relations with the States of South-Eastern Europe.

During the meeting, Miscevic presented the results Serbia achieved during the first year of negotiations, noting that the process of analytical examination of the EU acquis had been completed for 30 chapters, according to a release from the Serbian government's media relations office.

We are working hard to improve the draft versions of action plans for Chapters 23 and 24, relating to the rule of law, she said, adding that the negotiating position for Chapter 32 (financial control), had been prepared as early as August of the previous year.

The chief negotiator pointed to the European Commission's assessment that the level of compliance of our legislation with the EU acquis was high, adding that emphasis would from now on be placed on implementation.

Miscevic expressed the hope that the first negotiationg chapter would be opened soon, especially now after an agreement had been reached on judiciary issue in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina recently.

The Bundestag members were interested in knowing more about the developments in the negotiating process and changes it would bring about, as well as about the biggest problems and challenges that Serbia believed would be facing it during negotiations.

The meeting also touched on the connection between the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and Chapter 35, and Serbia's reasons for looking to open Chapter 32 as soon as possible, the release said.

Photo Tanjug...

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