Historic calligraphies under restoration

The General Directorate of Foundations Calligraphy Museum in Istanbul is home to 3,000 calligraphy panels. Some are undergoing restoration by 20 experts Among thousands of artworks in the Turkish Calligraphy Arts Museum, affiliated with the General Directorate of Foundations, 563 are being restored by a team of 20 experts.

Foundations General Director Adnan Ertem said the museum, located in the Beyaz?t Madrasah of the Bayezid II Mosque, is undergoing a restoration process.

During the restoration process of the building, 3,000 calligraphy panels were set to be revived by conservation experts, and their restoration has begun its first stage.

Ertem said the panels had come from mosques, tombs and madrasahs, adding, "All objects on a calligraphy panel, including kiswah [the cloth that covers the Kaaba in Mecca], a mother of pearl inlaid lectern and a needlework cloth, are owned by the general directorate."

He said the bid for the restoration of the calligraphy panels in the museum was made in January 2012, and continued:

"Some 563 calligraphy panels have been brought to the conservation area, established in the elephant stable section in the Sultanahmet Mosque. They have been categorized as paper, leather, metal, cloth and needlework. An expert of each category has begun restoring these works. Currently, 18 experts and two artisans are working on the panels. The artworks of foundations have been commended to experts and are under restoration. The restoration process is set to be finished in a year."

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