Law on Planning and Construction takes full effect


Law on Planning and Construction takes full effect

BELGRADE -- The Law on Planning and Construction, which will allow for issuing construction permits in less than a month, took full effect on Wednesday.

"All bylaws have been signed and, from today, cities and municipalities will start full implementation of the law and thus create a much better environment for investors," Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic said at a conference in the Serbian government building.

Local self-government authorities no longer have an excuse for failing to implement the law, which was adopted last December, she added.

The electronic construction permit will also be introduced by the end of this year, Mihajlovic announced.

Also under preparation are conversion and cadastre bills, which should be tabled to MPs in March, and I expect that by May we will also have an act that will resolve the issue of 1.5 million illegal buildings in Serbia, the minister said.

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