President bees inspired by constitution bees

President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has explained to the heads of villages and heads of neighborhoods what kind of a presidential system he wants. I have not yet figured out whether or not we should call this "the bee model presidency."

This is what he said: "Where is the most advanced democracy in the world? In the United States. What about economy? The world's most advanced economy is in the U.S. They have a presidential system there."

When he said this, you would think he wants an American-type presidential system, but he doesn't. He continued: "Do you need to copy one by one from there? No, you don't. You take whatever you see appropriate. You take whatever you find appropriate from France, from anywhere in Europe, as well as from South American countries."

And this is how we are supposed to do it: "With the precision of a bee, we take from every flower, make our honey and present it. This is the whole deal. This would be unique to us."

In other words, very much like the honey, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) constitutional bees flew and collected from here and there and brought as a suggestion to the Parliamentary Conciliation Commission...

It is truly a sugar-coated presidential system.

The president alone, without any need for a parliament, can issue decrees that have the power of laws, can dissolve the parliament, appoint the justice branch and do whatever he wishes to do.

Well, when there are bees and honey in the business, there is a lot of unaccounted sugar also... What is left for the people is to watch how an elected president turns step by step into a dictator.

Whose product was the 'Kabata? lie?'

In CNN Türk, during ?irin Payz?n's program the other evening, the...

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